Privacy, Security, & Compliance IT Solutions for Nonprofits

Secure Your Data, Strengthen Your Compliance, and Achieve Your Nonprofit’s Mission

Your nonprofit’s mission is critical. The last thing you need is to be bogged down by security breaches or compliance issues. CTS offers tailored privacy, cybersecurity, and compliance solutions designed specifically for nonprofit organizations, so you can focus on driving impact.

How Secure is Your Mission?

You’re dedicated to your mission—whether it’s serving communities, providing education, or advocating for change. But managing sensitive donor information, financial records, and adhering to strict compliance standards like HIPAA, PCI DSS, or NIST CSF can quickly become overwhelming. Every moment spent worrying about data security or compliance gaps is time taken away from serving your cause.

Let CTS Take the Lead in Your IT Protection Strategy

Imagine never having to worry about about the safety of your organization’s sensitive data. With CTS, you get peace of mind. We provide mission-based organizations with world-class security, compliance frameworks, and IT support tailored to the unique needs of nonprofits. Our suite of managed services ensures that your data is protected, compliance is streamlined, and your technology environment remains robust and efficient—allowing you to focus on your mission.

Take the First Step Towards a Secure, Compliant Future

Join the many nonprofits who trust CTS to handle their IT security and compliance needs.

Why Nonprofits Nationwide Trust CTS

1. 24/7 Cyber Defense That Never Sleeps

Our Security Operations Center monitors your organization’s systems around-the-clock, detecting and neutralizing threats before they can harm your mission​​.

2. Simplified Compliance Across the Board

We take the guesswork out of compliance with HIPAA, PCI DSS, NIST CSF, and more. Our streamlined process keeps you on track and audit-ready, while reducing the burden on your internal teams​.

3. IT Solutions Custom-Built for Nonprofits

With over 15 years of experience in the industry, we know the specific needs of nonprofits. Our services are designed to fit your budget and scale with your growth, ensuring you stay secure every step of the way​​.

4. Lower Your Cyber Insurance Premiums

Our proactive approach to cybersecurity often leads to significant savings on cyber insurance—up to 30%. Improve your coverage while reducing costs​.

5. Quick Recovery from Disasters, Minimal Downtime

We provide comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solutions, so your data is always safe and your organization can continue operations after any disaster​​.

How We Work: Your Path to Seamless IT Security and Compliance

Our process is designed to ensure your nonprofit not only achieves but maintains the highest standards of privacy, security, and compliance. We work alongside your team to provide a streamlined experience, tailored to meet your specific needs.

1. Personalized Consultation: Understanding Your Unique IT Landscape

We start by listening. In this initial phase, we conduct a comprehensive review of your organization’s operations, technology infrastructure, and compliance requirements. Whether you're facing specific security challenges or dealing with complex regulations like HIPAA, PCI DSS, or NIST CSF, we’ll work closely with you to assess your current position and identify gaps in your IT strategy.

Key outcomes: Tailored insights, risk assessment, and a clear roadmap for success.

2. Tailored Implementation: Custom Solutions with Minimal Disruption

After gathering all the information, our team of seasoned IT security experts creates a customized security and compliance strategy that’s fully aligned with your organizational goals. We handle the full implementation of cutting-edge tools like 24/7 managed detection & response (MDR), security awareness training, and NIST CSF compliance solutions. Our process is designed to be seamless, minimizing disruption to your day-to-day operations.

Key outcomes: Robust security infrastructure, full compliance, and minimal downtime during deployment.

3. Continuous Support & Monitoring: We Stay Alert So You Don’t Have To

Your nonprofit's security needs will evolve—and so will the threats. That’s why we offer ongoing support long after the initial implementation. Our dedicated team provides 24/7 monitoring, ensuring that any emerging risks are detected and neutralized in real-time. We also keep your systems up-to-date with the latest patches and regulatory changes, offering regular reviews to ensure continued compliance.

Key outcomes: Real-time threat detection, ongoing regulatory compliance, and proactive updates to maintain security.

4. Quarterly Reviews & Strategic Adjustments: Future-Proofing Your Security

At CTS, we don’t just set it and forget it. Our relationship is ongoing. Every quarter, we meet with your leadership team to evaluate the effectiveness of your IT security measures and adapt our strategy based on the latest threats and technologies. This continuous improvement process ensures that as your organization grows, your security and compliance measures grow with it.

Key outcomes: Long-term IT resilience, strategic adjustments, and future-proof solutions.

Critical IT Security and Compliance Tools to Protect Your Mission

24/7 Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Our Security Operations Center (SOC) monitors your infrastructure around-the-clock, ensuring threats are detected and mitigated in real-time.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Compliance

We help solve over 80 subcategories of the NIST CSF 2.0, keeping your organization compliant and your data secure​​.

Managed Email Phishing Protection

Combat the leading cause of data breaches with AI-powered phishing detection and employee training, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks​.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Empower your staff with video-based training and ongoing phishing simulations to ensure they remain vigilant and security-conscious​.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Protect your data with secure backups for on-premise servers, cloud servers, and workstations, ensuring business continuity even after a disaster​​.

Don’t Let IT Challenges Distract
from Your Mission

As a nonprofit, your mission is everything. But IT challenges—whether it’s cybersecurity threats, compliance headaches, or technology failures—can pull you away from what truly matters: serving your community and driving meaningful change.

We believe your technology should empower, not hinder, your mission. Our tailored IT security and compliance services are designed to keep your organization running smoothly, allowing you to focus on making a difference without worrying about the technical details. With us, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your systems are secure, your data is protected, and you’re fully compliant with industry regulations.